Tuesday 3 January 2017

Evaluation: Question 4+5 Script

I see that you have a new film coming out this December. So what target audience are you hoping to attract for your new film ‘The Demon’?

Well the demographic profiles of our audience will be aged 12-25 and hopefully will appeal to both genders. The psychographic profile would be mostly mainstreamers and possibly some explorers.

So why did you make that decision?

Based on our research on horror films, we found that most people are teenagers or adults. Teenagers are typically more of a thrill seeker in contrast to older adults. Our certification of ‘The Demon’ is marketed as a 12a. Most horror films are a 15 but the rare few which were a 12a was a huge success, such as the horror film ‘Signs’ which had the same certification. Hopefully, we will earn a similar profit.

And what about your choice for the psychographic profile?

Most horror films will have mainstreamers as their audience because they are all similar. Our horror film will not contain any extremes. However, some could say that it will suit explorers as well because ‘The Demon’ is slightly different to typical horror films.

Right, so what can we expect from the film? Anything new?

For one thing, our protagonist is not your typical character. She is a teenage female aged 16. She does not conform to gender stereotypes which makes her different. This would be shown in the film as being independent and tough. Hopefully this will attract more people because people generally like to see something different and not the typical damsel in distress.  However, some aspects of the film are similar to horror films, such as the mise en scene. The film takes place at night because it gives off a more mysterious and scary atmosphere and is also set in a house.

It sound pretty similar to other horror films.

Actually, our inspiration comes from the film Scream, where someone is watching the main character . But to make things different, many of the shots are almost a POV shot as if someone is following her and engages the audience as if they were really there.

An do you think that this will appeal to your chosen target market?

Yes. Recently, a questionnaire took place about horror films and what they like about them. We found that mostly teenagers answered the questionnaire which gives us confidence that it will appeal to people. The questionnaire also shows that the majority of people like the genre of paranormal the most which confirms that we have made the right decision on choosing the genre. We also got feedback from our class after each rough cut which was very useful because they are from our chosen target market. The feedback made sure that the film would appeal to the audience.

And I I understand that there was some kind of pitch presented before production started?

Yes, well the pitch was extremely important to our horror film. It included all of the initial ideas which was presented to various companies such as the target audience, the narrative and the characters. This really influenced and developed our ideas as we were asked questions and received feedback which all together helped us improve.

Well, looks like that's all we have for today but thank you for your time.

No problem.

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