Friday 16 September 2016

Mini Brief: Required Camera Shots

Shot reverse shot:
An example of shot reverse shot
The purpose of this is to be able to show a conversation between two people from each person's point of view. The view is facing one person and then is reversed and repeated from the other side to show both sides of the conversation.

Match on Action:
Match on Action is an editing technique where the perspective of the camera changes during the scene so the scene continues to flow. The first shot would cut to the second shot continuing the action in the first so it is seamless.

The 180° Rule:
An invisible guideline is drawn in a scene, in which the camera must not go past the lines. This is commonly used in conversations to ensure that the characters are looking at each other. If the rule is not followed, the scene may look wrong in the sense that the characters are looking in a different direction to each other.          
Key Words:
Genre-The type or catogory
Mise en scene-Everything within the frame and the arrangement of props and secnery.
Iconography-An improtant prop within the scene.
Recce- Images of a potential location to decide whether it is suitable for filming.                                

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