Monday 19 September 2016

Pre-production: Planning the story

Since the genre of the mini brief would be horror, I have written down the conventions of a horror film to help plan out the scene.

Typically in a horror film, there would be a protagonist who is the victim. The protagonist would be a kind-hearted female teenager. This is so that the audience would like the victim and feel symapthy foor them.We have decided that the antagonist would remain unidentified to make the scene more mysterious. To do this, the villain would be wearing a mask and dressed in black. The colour black was chosen because it is often associated with death.

There are mulitple themes in the mini brief such as the unknown and fear. Those themes contribute to the genre of horror. The fact that the cause of what is going to happen and the villian will remain unknown adds to the tension and suspense to find a reason for it. This will keep the audience on edge. All horror films will have the theme of fear in it, whether it's the characters fear or the audiences becuase it is the purpose of a horror.

The chosen setting was upstairs inside a house. This is because we wanted for the story to be almost like it can happen in real life. The characters are not so much isolated from people which I think adds to the desperation of the characters because help is not so far away but yet they cant reach it.

Mise En Scene Elements
The lighting would be low to make the scene rather dark and shadowy. It adds to the effect that the sky is getting dark soon and builds up tension. To add to the tension and fear, the colours should not be too bright or colourful. An iconography in the scene would be the purple chair. This is because the chair would move position later on, so it is important that there is a view of it. Another important prop is the mobile phone, in which during a scene, the main character gets a phone call.
Other props would be set out within the frame of the camera to make it seem more like the inside of a house. There will be old looking furniture to hint that this will be a horror. The costumes of the two female characters would be regular school clothing because the scene is set when both girls get back from school.

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