Monday 26 September 2016


To begin with, we allocated job roles for ourselves, Mia, Isabel and Sean being the actors and me being the camerawoman. We had to prepare the set by moving props and objects around the room to how we want the scene to look. Before, we began filming, we planned out where the characters are going to move and be placed. The actors then looked over their lines from the script so they won't forget.

Organisation of team members and actors:

Mia and Isabel volunteered to be the two main actors in the mini brief video who are both going to be the victim. Sean is the antagonist who is going to be the masked man, however, it is not a large part in the mini brief so he is also going to direct. To start with, I filmed and directed the first half of the video along with Sean co-directing. On the second half of filming, we switched roles so everyone had a chance to direct and film.

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