Sunday 18 September 2016

Pre-production: Storyboard

To plan out how to film each shot, a storyboard was drawn up along with the type of camera shot and dialogue which goes with that shot. Along with the 3 required shots (match on action, shot reverse shot, and the 180° rule), there will also be closeup shots and medium shots to show the characters facial expressions and movements.

When the two main characters walk through the door, the camera movement would be match on action, to show them walking through the door at two angles.

As they walk through the door, there will be an establishing shot to set the scene. It would be the view of the whole room to show the layout.

In the 3rd shot, shot reverse shot would be used to show the conversation between the two characters. the shots would also be close-up so the facial expressions can be seen clearly.

The next camera movement would be to film the enitre room before the lights go out. This is so that the audience can see what the room looked like before and after when the lights come back on. The chair would've moved to different position with the masked man sitting on it.

To make sure that the shots follow the 180° rule, a map was drawn out for the layout of the pavilion with the line going across the page. This is so that when filming, we would know where to place the camera. Each angle was carefully considered to ensure that the camera would only film on one side of the line.

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