Wednesday 7 December 2016

YouGov Profiles

I researched another horror movie in the genre paranormal to see the majority target market and their characteristics. I could use this information and apply it to my own horror film opening to ensure it meets the audiences expectation and attracts the chosen target market.To do this, I used a website called YouGov. It shows the background data of the consumers of each product.

A sample of 136 people enjoyed the film Insidious. I chose insidious because it is also a paranormal horror. As I want my horror film to appeal to a similar target market, I researched the demographic profiles, their personality and what they like for entertainment. 

The results where of what I expected. The age group for the film 'Insidious' was aged 18-24. This is within our horror films chosen target market of 12-25, so this gives us confidence that it will appeal to a much larger audience. However, the fact that the majority gender was female was unexpected because stereo-typically males enjoy horror films more. Fortunately, this is quite positive because it demonstrates that horror films can appeal to both genders equally and will extend the audience.
 Many people described themselves as interesting and imaginative. To suit this particular personality, the horror film will have and jump scares to increase interest. Looking at their favourite movies, the majority of them are horror films. There are several films that are paranormal and this ensures that we have made the right decision on deciding what genre to pick.

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