Monday 5 December 2016

Post-production: Editing the clips

To begin with, me and Izzy put all the clips together in timeline mode until we are satisfied. One of the clips, however, broke the 180° rule which made the clip transition look disorientating. Fortunately, this problem was easily solved by flipping the clip around. 

Another thing that we wanted to change was the phone call clip in the beginning. Me and Izzy have decided that we did not to show the antagonist right at the beginning so we covered it up with a black screen and left the voice behind it. We plan to place credits on top afterwards.

The animation for the logo was imported into we video and was place at the beginning. To get the logo for Lionsgate, I went onto Youtube to look for a clip and then converted it into and mp4 file which was also imported into Wevideo. I placed it after my own logo.

Our time management was quite well as we finished editing the clips together quite quickly. We also found that the clips fit well so we didn't need to re-film anything. 

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