Tuesday 6 December 2016

Post-production: Sound Effects and Background Music

For the majority of background music, we have chosen a track from imcomptech.com called 'Giant Wryn'. The instruments used was Piano, Synths and Brass. These instruments gave off an eerie, dark and unnerving feel to it which created an atmosphere of being on edge. We felt that this piece was appropriate and used it during the scenes which were shot outside.

Using YouTube to MP3 converter we found different sound effects to use:

We have decided to replace the whispering voice near the end because it did not seem very scary. The audio file was also too quite so the audience couldn't hear it. Therefore, we decided to have the diegetic sound of a knife drawing to hint that something bad is going to happen. Before anything is shown, the audience would just hear the sound effect, and then the screen would turn black to create a cliff hanger.

We cut the clip shorter, to be used a diegetic sound effects. This gives the protagonist and the audience a sense that someone is in the garden.

The footsteps could also not be heard so we changed it to a glass bottle smashing. This is so that it would seem that the protagonist has taken off her earphones because the noise had caught her attention.

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