Tuesday 8 November 2016

Changes to the Narrative

Based on the feedback we received, we have decide to alter the narrative. Instead of Kirstie being questioned, a new character would be instead. This change would make the scene seem more mysterious as we do not know what has happened to Kirstie. It would increase curiosity and would also incorporate Barthe's Enigma Code into the narrative.

Here is the new character that is being introduced:

Name: Louise May Carter
Age: 18 years old
Background: Louise May was adopted by Kirstie's parents when she was only young. Although Kirstie and her family welcomed her in with open arms, she has always been jealous of Kirstie and envied her. Even though Louise May is extremely close with her sister Kirstie, she has always craved the attention she receives. 
Personality: Louise May is far more confident and outgoing than Kirstie. She is a sporty person who'd rather be outdoors than inside. 

Plot: On screen is showing a news report about a recent murder of a teenage girl. We then flash back to where Kirstie is sitting inside a large house. She decides to ring her sister as she hasn't seen her all day. It goes straight to voicemail. After the phone call, Kirstie leaves the house. As she walks, she begins to hear mysterious noises. To drown the noises out, she puts on her earphones and picks up the pace down a dark alleyway. A dark shadowy figure walks briskly across in the distance. Kirstie sees and stops for a brief moment. She the carries on walking with her music playing loudly. There is suddenly a sharp whisper by her hear. Due to her loud music, she does not hear it very well as takes it off to listen for more noises. Voices begin to taunt her out of nowhere and she begins to get frightened. Suddenly The Demon appears behind her, and sensing someone is behind her, she runs. We then flash to a new location in an interview room. A Police Officer throws down a photo of Kristie on the table in front. Opposite, is a young girl (Louise May) who looks down at the photo. The Officer asks who did it and the girl replies in a whisper, 'The Demon'. 

As the narrative has changed, we will have to re-film. To plan out how we are going to film the alleyway, a map was drawn out which pinpoints where the camera, main character and antagonist are going to be. It also maps the movement of the camera and characters so we know what angle to fillm at.

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