Friday 4 November 2016

Costume and Makeup

For Emily's character, we wanted to portray her as vulnerable. To show this, we have decided for her makeup to be minimal and subtle. This would also emphasise her innocence and would create a character that the audience would root for.

We got the inspiration from the protagonist from Scream. She is wearing hardly any makeup as to not sexuality her, and her clothes are pale colours to suggest purity.

Her costume would be what a typical teenage girl would wear of converse and a simple top. This would make her seem more relatable.

For The Demon, the mask would be black and white, which looks almost like a skeleton. The outfit would be all black to symbolise death and fear. When playing this role, Izzy's hair would be tied up so it is not shown. The costume for this character is not very realistic but we have decided that it did not matter as much because The Demon would always be standing in the distance and there will not be close-ups of the face. 

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