Wednesday 30 November 2016

Filming Diary 2

8th November


We began filming around 3:30pm. We decided to film earlier than the last time because the sky got dark quickly. The scene in the house was shortened, therefore, we were able to film in the alleyway earlier before it got too dark. During this, it began raining which meant we couldn't film outside just yet. Fortunately, it stopped before we finished filming inside the house.


It took only half an hour to film the house scene. Before going to the alleyway, we went down the road to film the tracking shot and POV shots.


At 4:20pm, we shot the alleyway scenes. I think that the timing was good because we managed to shoot everything before it got too dark. There was also streetlights down the alleyway so it was not too dark to film. There was very light rain which meant we were still able to film outside, the floor was still wet as well, which I think added to the main brief because it could like pathetic fallacy and emphasised the atmosphere.


Once we arrived back at the house, we filmed the news report scene. To make it seem realistic, it was filmed against a blank wall so there was no extra objects in view. This was also so we could add in a news background later when editing. To film this, we ensured that the grid mode was on the camera so we could use the rule of thirds to determine the composition.

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