Tuesday 8 November 2016

Filming Diary

25th October
Emily had chosen her outfit based on the list we gave her to ensure she had the right look for the role. To make sure that it was the correct look, Emily messaged us a few days before to make sure we were satisfied. The character she has been chosen to play was a typical teenage girl. Therefore, her outfit was a pair of jeans, a simple top and a black coat. We wanted to portray her as a quiet character, so the colours of the outfit was not too bold. 

For the antagonist's outfit, Izzy brought a black and white skeleton mask a few days in advance to make sure we have all the props and costumes on the day. The original idea was to use a white mask. However, based on the questionnaire results, a white masked person was not scary. This made us change our ideas on the costume. The rest of the costume is all black to hint the danger.

Izzy also was in charge of buying the fake blood because there was a Halloween party shop close to wear she lives, so it was more accessible to her.

26th October

I had plain white envelopes at home so I put two envelopes in my bag the night before. This was so I won't forget to bring them the next day. The spare envelope was just in case the first one got ruined. 

27th October

On the day of filming, we checked the weather a few days in advance to make sure it will be suitable. There was only a little chance of rain so we thought it will be ideal. We decided to meet at Upminster train station for 9am so we can prepare to begin filming at 9:30am. The filming took place early in the morning because there would less chance of people walking through the alleyway.

The fake blood was used to write on the envelope. Me and Izzy used our fingers to make it seem someone had written the message in a hurry. The blood would make it seem more sinister because the audience would wonder where the blood had come from. The was done half an hour earlier to leave the blood to dry up so it won't smudge too much.

Izzy did Emily's makeup around 9:15am just before filming. This is so that we do not need to re-do her make up during filming. We did not want her to appear sexualised, therefore, Emily is wearing minimal makeup to make her look seem subtle and if she just woke up a few hours ago. She is wearing a pale foundation and hardly any eye makeup so it will not make her eyes stand out. This reflects on her character because the character's personality is meant to be kind and innocent. 

We arrived at the alleyway around half 9 and begun filming. The left over fake blood was dropped on to the ground from a high point to form a trail of blood. We did this only a few minutes before filming that particular scene because the blood was supposed to look fresh.

Our filming was slightly delayed due to a cat walking down the alleyway which the dog had to avoid. Another thing was getting the dog to do the right thing as she stepped in the fake blood. This was only a small problem and was easily fixed.

As it was getting closer to midday, more people walked down the alleyway which we then had to stop filming every time someone walked past. This made filming longer as we had to constantly stop. Unfortunately, the battery in the camera begun to get low so we had to film the last scenes as quick as possible. We were not able to finish the last few shots because the camera died but we then planned to film the next day.

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