Wednesday 30 November 2016

Feedback of Rough cut 2

To ensure that the opening appeals to the chosen target audience, the class had got the chance to watch the second version of the main brief and wrote down some feedback stating what we did well and what we could improve. These suggestions could influence our decisions and help improve the main brief.

A thing that went well in the rough cut was that the mise en scene worked well. This is very important as mise en scene is to communicate the ideas which suggest that it is a horror film. they have also stated that there was a range of shots. Whilst filming, we tried to get as many different types of shots that are typically used in horror films, such as a tracking shot. 

What needs to be improved in the main brief, is that there needs to be sound effects. Sound effects in horror films are usually used to create tension and suspense. Due to some shots taken without a tri-pod, the camera was slightly shaky, making it look unprofessional. However, some particular shots was not able to be stable (the tracking shots). This can be solved by using a skateboard and placing the tri-pod on it to keep it stable when moving.

The positive points are similar to the first post it notes and have also mentioned that there was a range of shots. Good continuity is important in films because it makes the transition between shots seem seamless and smooth.

A negative thing about the rough cut was that the costumes were poor. To solve this issue, we will update the costumes to make it seem more realistic and re-film the last few scenes. Sound effects would be added in once we have finished editing all the video clips together.

The phone call at the beginning was of Emily calling her sister that she is going out. That is why she was wearing a coat, because she was preparing to go outside.

To answer the second question, Emily also said during the phone call, that she was on her way to visit her Nan's.

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