Friday 4 November 2016

Rough Cut

From the current footage that we have, I have done a quick edit of the shots to use as a guide to how we want the final scene to look. This was done without adding sound effects. The rough cut is of the alleyway scene which is about 2 minutes long.

Evaluation of the rough cut:

Overall, I think that the framing was quite good. This was because we set the camera to have a grid and used the rule of thirds to position where the camera should be.

. However, a lot of the clips do not match up which decreases the continuity and it does not look as seamless. This happened because many of the clips were filmed over two different days. Consequently, the position of the props and actors was not the same as before. It would affect the overall opening greatly as it does not flow well which can make it seem unprofessional.

Furthermore, As the opening was filmed outside, there was a lot of unwanted background noise such as cars and the wind. Since a microphone was used, it also picked up quieter noises which can ruin the effect of making the area seem isolated. However, this problem can be solved by muting the clips and adding the sound effects and dialogue when editing. Additionally, the sound levels did not match up as well. Some would have quieter dialogue and louder background noise whilst others had no background noise at all. This made it difficult to edit as the sound levels did not match up.

The problems of filming outside was that the lighting changed. This was shown during the second half of the rough cut where the lighting has changed proving that the two shots were filmed at different times. To solve this, we should film the shots in chronological order.

Something that has stood out to me the most was that many of the clips were unfocused. This has affected the opening negatively because it would make it seem unprofessional and also makes it difficult to watch. An important part of the scene was the writing on the letter. This was not possible as the unfocused camera made it hard to see what the writing due to being blurry. For the next round of filming, we will be very careful to make sure the camera is focused at all times.

A small flaw that I had noticed near the end was that the microphone could be seen in the shot. This was caused by the microphone being held out. Fortunately, this can easily be solved by holding the microphone further back so it isn't in the way.

In conclusion, we have decide to re-film all the clips entirely but we will be filming around 4:30pm just as it is about to get dark. This will suit the horror genre more as it has a more eerie atmosphere and there will be less people.

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