Tuesday 8 November 2016

Changes to the Script

As me and Izzy decided that the original script was too long, some changes have been made to cut down the length. We have applied the new ideas for the narrative into this new script.


Flashing back to the day of the murder, we see Kirstie in a large house. She is dressed in normal clothes, jeans and a top with her hair hanging loosely. She sits down by the kitchen table and decides to ring her sister.

Kirstie: Hi Louise May, I'm just calling to see if you are okay? You haven't been picking up your calls all day. Anyway, I'm just going round Nan's for a bit so I'll see you later, bye.

Kirstie hears a mysterious noise outside and leaves her seat to investigate by the window. There is nothing. She turns to leave the house and then slams her large wooden door. Whilst walking down the road, there are strange noises behind her but she takes no notice. It is dusk, so the visibility is limited. Continuing her walk down the dark streets, with only street lights to keep the street alight. Kirstie begins to walk down a dark alley way. In the background, we can see footsteps approaching the alleyway then turning back on themselves.

Kirstie begins to hear mysterious noises. As it is dark and there is no one around, Kirstie decides to put her earphones in to cancel out the mysterious noises and begins to pick up her pace. We then see a dark figure walking briskly across in the distance. A quick whisper is heard above the music.

Mysterious Voice (The Demon): Kirstie.

Kirstie hears the voice faintly and  takes off her earphones to listens out for noises. There is silence but suddenly, the voice appears again.The voices start taunting her in her head, but Kirstie is too frightened to move. Her breathing begins to get faster.

Kirstie: Shut up, you're not real. (Whispering frantically)

She can now feel someone over her shoulder. 

The Demon: Turn around Kirstie.

Scared for her life, Kirstie begins running as fast as her lungs will possibly take her.

Camera cuts to a television screen. It is playing the morning news.

T.V Presenter: Your news at 9. Yesterday morning, a school girl from East London, Kirstie Carter, was declared dead by Newham Police in the early hours this morning. Suspects are currently being questioned and the police are urging anyone with information to contact the police immediately. 

Camera cuts to a dark staircase.

From a dark staircase, a policewoman walks up and into a dark cramp interview room. She is very tall and has her hair scraped back in a high, tight, ponytail. She has a strong, bold, striking face and looks extremely confident. In the room, a teenager girl, with little colour to her face sits alone. Always looking to the ground, she looks scared and vulnerable. Her hair appears to be knotty, almost as if it hadn't been washed or brushed in weeks and the bags under her eyes seem to be increasing in size by the minute. The young girl now has her head in her hands and is clearly distressed.

Officer Smith: Tell me the truth Louise May.

Officer Smith throws an image of Kristie onto the table in front of her.

Officer Smith: (In a low voice) What happened to her?

Louise May looks up slowly and pauses briefly. She is looking frightened.

Louise May: (Whispers) The Demon did it.

Louise May looks directly at the camera as her eyes turn black. 

The title appears on screen: The Demon.

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