Sunday 6 November 2016

Target Audience Research

This information has helped me understand what my target audience likes about horror films. This would influence my decisions on my main brief.

This interview was of people within my chosen target audience. From this, I have learnt that everyone's favourite horror film is within the age certification of 15- it was stated that a lot of horror films are not certified as 18 because the institution wants to gain a larger audience.

Furthermore, many of them said that they enjoy the un-expectancy and the equilibrium of the liner narrative.

The question asked was what made a horror film successful. These were the answers:
  • A big budget
  • Unpredictability
  • A Well-known institution
  • Strong narrative
  • Gore
  • A celebrity
I think all of these combined would influence the success of a horror film. Therefore, we will ensure the main brief follows a linear narrative and has plot twists so it is unpredictable. We will be working in synergy with a well-known institution for producing horror films, and hopefully, this would create more awareness.

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