Wednesday 2 November 2016

Opening Credits in Horror Films Questionnaire Results

The table below shows all the results in one place. A spreadsheet is useful to compare the answers to and the results would influence how the overall credits would look in the opening. 15 people have taken the questionnaire and I think that it is a sufficent amout of people voting because it is quite a large number which gives us a variety of different answers.

Here are the results below:

There are 3 choices with the same number of votes. This allows me and Izzy to choose the font we like best as the votes are even.

The most number of votes was on the colour black to be the opening credits. Red and white were a close second with the amount. I think that black is a suitable colour for the credits because it can connotate with danger and death which we want to suggest in the opening.

The majority of people have decided that they want to have the credits running whilst the opening scene is playing out. This was me and Izzy's original idea to have the credits appear in the opening scene, therefore, it will give us confidence that it will appeal to the audience. Slightly more than a quarter of the people have chosen to have the credits to start before the opening scene. However, the opening is only for 2-3 minutes. Consequently, there may not be enough time to have the credits first and then followed by the rest.

Most of the answers were either red or white on a black background. There were the same amount of people (5) on each answer. The black background seems to appear as the most appealing for the tile screen. This is because the colour black matches the genre of horror and it would strongly contrast the white and red colours. Since the top two answers have the same number of votes, it is possible to have two colours - the title could first appear white and then fade to the colour red. This would be suited to a much larger audience.

9 people have responded that the title should be revealed after the opening scene and 6 people have wanted it to be at the beginning. From these results, me and Izzy have decide for the title to appear after the opening scene. This is because, the opening scene would be left on a small cliff hanger which increases suspense. The brief scene to when the title is shown would make the audience anticipate to see what happens next.

In conclusion, these results have influenced my final decisions for the opening credits. A lot of the answers supported my original ideas which shows that the ideas will appeal to the audience.

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