Sunday 16 October 2016

Barthe's Enigma Code

Roland Barthe has constructed a narrative theory. There are 5 codes which can be incorperated into any narrative.

The Hermeneutic Code:
This is when there is some sort of mystery in the scene that is not fully explained, hence becoming a puzzle to the audience. This grabs the viewers attention because it keeps them guessing and so they would want to find out what happens to solve the problem. The answers are finally revealed near/at the end answering the audiences questions.

The Proairetic Code:
The proairetic code is when the scene builds up tension and suspense, normally in an action or event. It foreshadows the coming events and keeps the audience on edge. This ties in with the first code, linking together to develop the narrative.

The Semantic Code:
This code refers to the connotation in the narrative that gives an alternative/additional meaning over the basic denotative meaning of the word.

The Symbolic Code:
It is similar to The Semantic Code and is about what things connotate to and symbolise. However, it goes into more detail and deeper sets of meaning. This is used quite a lot in narrative to hint to the audience but to let them infer the answer rather than giving the answer.

The Cultural Code:
The Cultural code looks at the audiences wider cultural knowledge, ideology and morality. Typically this usually involves science or religion.

An example of a film which has incorporated the hermeneutic and proairetic code is the opening of 'Signs':

This information has helped me construct my narrative for the main brief. I can use the hermeneutic code in the narrative by leaving something unexplained. This applies to how the antagonist will remain unidentified because it will draw the audience in and leaves a sense of mystery.

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