Wednesday 26 October 2016

Chosen Actors

After discussion, here are our final casting choices:

Kirstie will be played by a 16 year old girl. This is appropriate because the age is similar to what we intended the character to be. It was a convenient choice as well as Emily goes to the same sixth form so contacting her was easy.

The Demon
The Demon would be played by Izzy Martin who is also 16. We have made this choice as the face would not be seen so it would not affect the main brief. The Demon would also make little appearance during the opening sequence. We have decided for Izzy to play the role based on her height. She is quite tall which would make The Demon seem more daunting. 

Officer Smith
The police officer would be played by Martine Smith who is 17 years old. This is because Martine has a suitable appearance to play the role. Her schedule is quite open which would make it ideal.

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