Wednesday 19 October 2016

Pre-production: Recces

To plan for the main brief, we took photos of potential locations of where we could film. We had to keep in mind the genre to make sure it is suitable.

These two photos were taken inside a house as that is where part of the opening is going to take place. It has dark corners and lighter areas, making it appropriate for filming. 

The outside of this house would be ideal because it looks like an old house, making it seem more sinister. Typically, old buildings in horror films are usually haunted.

For the main brief, we wanted an generally quiet street to film in so there are not much disturbances or noises. This links to the typical location for horror films because the main character is usually isolated from everyone else. However, when filming, we have to make sure that there are no cars around because it won't seems as scary and isolated. There also would be background noise which we do not want because it ruins the atmosphere.

The location is set in a dark empty place so we thought an alleyway would be ideal. This is because alleyways are generally quite empty and quite.

The alleyway matches the conventions of horror films because the lighting is low, giving the area a dark and mysterious atmosphere. However, when filming, the lighting must not be too low otherwise it would be difficult to see what is happening on screen.

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