Sunday 2 October 2016

Narrative Structure

Narrative-The Storyline of a film.

There are two types of narrative:

Linear- This is when the story is in chronological order. It has the beginning, middle and end. It also follows the timeline: Past, present and future.

Non-linear- The story does not always start at the beginning. It usually jumps around the timeline of events. This also links in with reverse chronology. It is when the plot is revealed in reverse order.

Todorov's Equlibrium Theory:
Todorov's Equilibrium Theory is that all films follow the same order and is in a structure split into three parts.

Beginning  ---> Middle  ---> End
Equilbrium established, Disruption/disequilibrium, and then equilibrium re-established.

The narrative structure of the main brief would be linear so the narrative is easier to follow. An example of a horror film that follows a linear structure is 'The Purge'. 


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