Wednesday 26 October 2016

Casting Choices

For the role of Kirsty, we found two people who would be ideal.
Emily, 16 years olf
 Emily is suited for the role because she is a proffesional actress. Therefore, her performance would be seen as quite realistic and believable. She is also the same age as Kirstie and has a siliar appearance to what we thought Kirstie would look like. However, a downside is that Emily has quuite a busy schedule which could be problematic as there might not be times where she is avaiable to film.
Chelsea, 16 years old
Me and Izzy considered for me to play the role of Kirstie as it makes it easier to arrange filming dates. I also am a similar age to Kirstie which is advantageoud. However, I am not a proffesioanl actress so my performance would not come off as believable.

Officer Smith
We found several people to play the role of Officer Smith. To decide who would be allocated for the role, I've compared them against each other to decide who would be suited.

Isabel, 16 years old
Again, we have considered casting someone who is already in the group. We have decided that Izzy  is suited for the role. We thought her appearance matched Officer Smith. Her personality is quite confident which makes her ideal. Also, Izzy's schedule is quite open which would leave us a lot of time to film. However, it would also be difficult to film as there is only two of us in a group.

Martine, 17 years old
We thought that Martine met the requirements for the role of the police officer. This is because she is quite tall and confident (which is what we described Officer Smith in the script), therefore, she is qutie suited. She has also had some experience in acting and will also be available most of the time as this particular scene would be set in school.

Emma, 17 years old 
Emma is suited for the role because she suits the appearance of Officer Smith. She is also an experienced actress as she takes A level drama. However, in terms of availability, she has quite a busy schedule which may not be ideal.

The Demon
As The Demon does not reveal it's face during the opening and does not have any dialogue, the character has a very open specification. Therefore, a wide range of people can be considered for this role. The only requirement is that the person should quite tall to match the profile of the character.

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