Wednesday 12 October 2016

Narrative Planning

Title: The Demon

Characters: Kirstie, a teenage girl
                     Police Officer - Officer Smith, a woman in her twenties
                     Kirstie's sister (does not make an appearance)
                     The Demon

Plot: It begins in a small dark room where a teenage girl is being accused of murder. She then recalls the day of the murder where we see her walking down the street with her dog into a dark alleyway. There is blood on the floor which she follows to find an envelope on the ground. She picks it up to find it is addressed to her. On the letter inside it says "first your sister, now you". Voices start speaking to her in her head, taunting her. The Demon then appears behind her whispering in her ear. She begins to run until she trips over and a voice keeps chanting her name. The girl wakes to find herself still in the policeman's office the police officer calling her name. The girl seems frightened and shocked all of a sudden.

Location: We will film the questioning in the English block at school. To make the scene realistic, we will have to move the furniture around and take down any posters. Another location is outside a house and down a long dark alleyway.

Casting Ideas: We want the characters to be as realistic as possible so the actors are going to be close to the age that the characters in the main brief are going to be.

Kirstie is going to be played by a 16 year old girl from school.

The Police Officer would be a 17 year old girl from school. She is younger than the character who is supposed to be around 20 years old. Fortunately, she is very tall and looks older for her age. We think she would be the ideal person to play the role.

The Demon would be played by a 16 year old girl. This is because The Demon is shown in only a small number of scenes and the identity would be concealed.

Target Audience: As we have marketed our film as a 12a, we believe the demographic profile of our film would be people aged 12-25 and is suited for both genders.

Genre: The genre would be paranormal/supernatural as we believe it would appeal to the majority of our target audience based on a questionnaire we done previously. It would be easier to film because there is not much props and not much use of fake blood. Too much fake blood could make the scene seem unrealistic.

These ideas are the basic plan for the main brief. This will help us improve and develop our ideas later on in our planning.

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