Tuesday 4 October 2016

Feedback and Questions

After the pitch was presented to the class, they provided feedback on what they thought about it and what to improve on. The class also had a chance to ask questions about the brief. These questions will help me develop the idea for the brief and point out flaws which will need to be fixed.

Question 1: Will you actually have a dog?

Answer: Yes, there will be a dog in some of the scenes. This is because it would seem unrealistic that a girl is walking around alone in the evening. Having a dog in the scene would give the main character a reason to go outside.

Question 2: Do you have suitable actors for the openings?

Answer: We have not yet decided on who the actors are going to be. However, we will be very selective on who will play the roles. This is because we want the brief to look realistic. Therefore, the actors must be around the same age as the characters in the opening scene.

Question 3: What are you going to foreshadow in the opening? What are you actually going to show?

Answer: Seeing that it is only the opening of the horror film, we only want to foreshadow the future events. The opening is going to be set a few months back, so the viewers understand the story behind the main part of the film and how it all begun.

It has been pointed out that the opening scene seems rather long and may not fit in to 3 minutes. We plan for the questioning scene to be no longer than a minute and the final scene back in the office would only have a few lines of dialogue. This ensures that there is enough time for the main action to happen.

Another piece of feedback was that the scene seems too detailed for an opening. The rest of the film may not have enough action. To answer this, we have decided not to reveal the identity of the antagonist in the beginning. Alternatively, we could show the shadows of the character so it adds to the suspense-the audience would be drawn in and curious to see who it is.

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