Friday 21 October 2016

Pre-production: Script

Me and Izzy planned out a draft of the script before writing up the final version. This is so that it is a base for the main script. The final script would be more detailed. The reason why a draft was written up, is so that the script can be improved and changes could be made so that the final script is at its strongest.


In a dark cramped interview room, a teenager girl, with little colour to her face sits alone. Always looking to the ground, she looks scared and vulnerable. Her hair appears to be knotty, almost as if it hadn't been washed or brushed in weeks and the bags under her eyes seem to be increasing in size by the minute. Sitting on the side is a small radio blasting out the top morning stories.

Radio host: Your news at 9. Yesterday morning, a school girl from East London, Kirstie Carter, was declared a suspect of a murder on her own sister. Ellie Rose Carter was announced dead by the police a few hours ago and is currently asking for anyone with information to contact the police immediately. 

The policewoman walks in as the radio is playing. She is very tall and has her hair scraped back in a high, tight, ponytail. she has a strong, bold, striking face and looks extremely confident. However, the young girl now has her head in her hands and is clearly distressed. realising why the girl is distressed, the policewoman immediately switches the radio off and sits down with her laptop opposite the young girl.

Officer Smith: Okay.

The policewoman takes a large exhale and opens her laptop.

Where were you Friday 5th November?

Kirstie: At home.

Kirstie has a hint of fear in her voice and seems unsure.

Officer Smith: On your own?

Rasing her eyebrow, the policewoman is suspicious.

Kirstie: Yes. 

Officer Smith: Right, so when was the last time you saw your sister?

Kirstie: Yesterday morning before she left for work.

Officer Smith: Do you have any reason to suspect that this is a murder case?

Kirstie: [Muttering] Yes but I can't, it was the, The Dem...

Kirstie is now muttering so quitely that the policewoman is unable to hear.

Officer Smith: Pardon? Kirstie?

Flashing back to the day of the murder, we see Kirstie in a large house, just about to leave for a walk with her dog. She is dressed in normal clothes, jeans and a top with her hair hanging loosely. She then reaches for her dog's lead and slams her large wooden door. Whilst walking down the road, there are strange noises behind her but she takes no notice. It is dusk, so the visibility is limited. Suddenly, her phone rings. Grabbing it out of her pocket, Kirstie has a puzzled look on her face when she realises that the caller is unknown. Sensibly, Kirstie rolls her eyes and decides to ignore it. Continuing her walk down the dark streets, with only street lights to keep the street alight, her dog starts randomly pulling towards an unknown house to Kirstie. It is dark and there are no lights on so Kirstie pulls the dog away. Walking past a dark scary alleyway, again, the dog starts to pull and bark down the alleyway. With a puzzled look on her face, Kirstie pulls the dog to come away, but she refuses to move.

Kirstie: No Daisy, this way!

After a couple of minutes trying to pull the dog away with no success, Kirstie ties the dog on the lamppost and reluctantly starts to walk sown the alleyway to try and see what the dog has seen. After a couple of steps, Kirstie sees small droplets of what appears to be blood on the ground. Intrigued, but also clearly petrified, Kirstie follows the trail of blood. In the very distance, Kirstie sees that it has her name written across the front with what seems to be blood. Picking up the envelope to investigate, a gust of wind appears out of nowhere as if someone had just run past her. As she opens the letter, it says on a sheet of paper, "First your sister, now you." Kirstie drops the letter in shock and backs away. Voices start taunting her in her head, but Kirstie is too frightened to move. She can now feel someone over her shoulder, they whisper into her ear.

The Demon: Turn around Kirstie.

Sared for her life, Kirstie begins running as fast as her lungs will possibly take her, but she trips and falls. In the background, we can see The Demon standing firmly in his position;strong and powerful. He is now chanting her name.

The Demon: It's your turn now... Kirstie, Kirstie, Kirstie...

She finds herself back in the previous interview room, with someone shouting in her ear.

Officer Smith: Kirstie? Kirstie?

She leans into the microphone.

Back up in room 13 please.

Kirstie is now looking shell shocked.

Kirstie: He's coming for us.

Officer Smith: Who is?

Kirstie: [Whispers] The Demon.

We then flashback to the day of the murder. We see Kirstie slowly raising her head, in an extreme close up with blood and mud covering her face.

Black screen appears, and then the title comes up, 'The Demon' in red writing.

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