Wednesday 12 October 2016

Horror Film Questionnaire Results

Here are the results that have been collected from the questionnaire. The spreadsheet below lists the answers given by each person:

This is helpful because I can see all the answers on one page. I can then compare the answers with each other.

From this, I can see that most people that took the survey was female. This contradict the typical idea that males enjoy horror more than females. Since this was posted on Facebook captioned 'Horror Film Questionnaire', it seems that it got more attention from females rather than males based on the title. This can suggest that females enjoy horror films just as much as males which is useful because the main brief's target audience is aimed at both genders.
The next question was about their age. The majority of people was aged 16-20 which is within our chosen age group for the main brief (12-25). This shows that me and my group made the correct decision on what the targeted age group should be. It also shows that the questionnaire appealed to mainly teenagers which implies that teenagers like horror films the most.
 The majority of people have chosen supernatural/paranormal as their favourite sub-genre of horror. This supports how our main brief would be a paranormal and ensures that the film would be popular amongst the audience. 

 This information is crucial to find out how we are going to market our film. This links to the exhibition stage of production to find out what sources do they use to watch horror films. It is not possible to earn any profit from downloading or streaming for free. However, I can use this idea to draw the audience in. Seeing as most people stream horror films, I can put short clips up to watch for free of the film to appeal to the audience. This would intrigue the viewer and would most likely want to watch more. The second most chosen answer was to wait for it to come out on T.V. This means that we can work in synergy with another company such as 'Film 4' (a well known channel for movies) to exhibit it. Other answers involves paying to watch it such as Netflix, the cinema and DVD.

Most of the answers given are in the genre of paranormal which demonstrates that our horror film would attract a large audience. This is because the majority have their favourite horror as a paranormal so are likely to watch our horror film because it is similar.

To sum up all the answers, it is the frights and suspense that gets the audiences focus. This means that the horror film opening must include scary scenes and to build up suspense. 

There is a wide range of answers with the top 3 having equal votes. The top 3 locations are set at home, an abandoned building and the forest/woods. There are 3 locations in the mini brief, a dark cramped room, the protagonist's house and a dark lonely alleyway. The abandoned building has similar features to the room that the scene would be set in and part of the opening would be filmed in a house. This meets the audiences choices and expectations which would hopefully attract more viewers.

The results are very similar to each other but with one extra vote for a male to be the protagonist in the film. However, dues to the traditional gender stereotypes, a male does not fit the type of character we want to have as the protagonist. Typically a male is tough, strong and rarely cries. This goes against our vision of the character because we want the main character to look vulnerable and scared. It would provoke sympathy from the audience as well as making the opening more scary because females are stereotypically easily scared which increase the fear.

There would be two characters in the opening of our horror film. One of which who is a police officer and the most likely age for a police officer is over 20 years. This meets the results from the pie chart-over half the people expect the protagonist to be 19-25 years old.

6 people have decided that the scariest character is a ghost and 5 have decided that a possessed human is the scariest. In our main brief, we have decided to make the antagonist a ghost like supernatural being character which is evil. Also, we have decided that there should be a character that becomes possessed. The combination of these two characters both meet the expectations of the audience which can increase interest.

We have decided that the film should have a linear narrative because the majority liked a linear narrative rather than a non-linear narrative. In the opening, the equilibrium is established and the opening would finish when the disruption begins.

The 'definitely' answer and 'dose not affect my choice' answer both have the same amount of votes. Only a few number of people are not likely to watch a horror film if based on a true story. More than half the people are more likely to watch a film based of a true story. Therefore, to draw the audience in, the opening would state that the film is based on a true story which would increase enthusiasm for the film.

In conclusion, these results have helped me understand what people like best about horror films. I could use these answers to influence and change the ideas in my main brief to appeal to the audience more.

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