Tuesday 25 October 2016

Props and Costumes


Kirstie - Kirstie is the protagonist who is seen as vulnerable and scared. Her costume would be what a typical teenage girl would wear: a pair of jeans and a baggy, loose t-shirt with black converse. The costume would look disheveled and dirty. This would ensure that she will not only fit our narrative, but also leads the audience to believe that she might be guilty of murder. Moreover, the fact that she is seen wearing the same outfit in the flashback on the day of the murder, with only neater hair and fresher makeup, will reveal to the audience that she has had no sleep and had been up restless all night.

Officer Smith - The policewoman will be wearing regular police uniform with a traditional white shirt and black tie. To signify her authority, she will also be wearing a recognizable police hat accompanied with a radio/walkie-talkie. She will have her hair tied up in a low neat bun which reflects on her personality as a tidy organised person, and will be wearing minimal makeup.

The Demon - As The Demon is not actually a human being, we do not want the audience to see what the character actually looks like until the end. The Demon would not be seen much in any close up shots, therefore, it's features would not be very distinctive. The costume would be entirely black expect for a white mask disguising the face. This would fit our narrative as we want it to be mysterious and to heighten the fear factor. However, at the end of the film (which would not be shown in the main brief), The Demon would reveal it's face to be distorted and stitched up.


Our props should be minimal as we are filming outside for most of the opening.
  • Laptop - This is used when the policewoman uses it during the questioning.
  • Radio - The radio will be playing in the beginning announcing the suspected murder of Kirstie's sister.
  • Walkie-talkie - It is used for the policewoman to communicate for backup a the end of the opening.
To make the policewoman's office more realistic we will have to add more props which are typically in an office room:
  • Sheets of paper
  • Filing Cabinet
  • Binders
  • Clock
  • Telephone
The alleyway scene:
  • Fake blood - the fake blood would be splattered on the floor, leaving a trail.
  • Envelope - An envelope would be left on the floor. It would be covered in blood and addressed to Kristie. Inside would be a letter written in blood.

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